Last Night
The night I met youI caught the moon looking at us,and I noticed your eyes, on me The night I met youI never thought I’d feelyour lipsin the way that I did The lips of youfelt like a portal right throughthe deepest part ofyour tender heart
Glass of Whine II
It’s been a whileyet I still feel youagainst meas I lay here It’s been a whilesince I broke yourglass(es)full of rosé (Can you see clearly now?) It’s been a while,yet tonight,my goddamnglass of winetastes likeyour lips
would it bea dangerto us if I diddangerouslyadmit, how muchit meantto me to bethere for youand be apart ofyour littlepity-fulparty for two
That Night
The night I met youI caught the moon looking at usIt noticed your eyes, on me The night I met youI never thought I’d feelYour lipsIn the way that I did The lips of youFelt like a portal right throughYour deepest heart part
we are of shattered glassesand broken dreamswicked lovers and rose colouredglasses we are a part of your broken dreamshattered and wickedlike your rosé sippinglover we are a part of a wicked loverosé fuelled and maintainedwe need our glasses to seeclearly we’re clear about it nowwho knows if it’s a broken dreambetween our rosé sips and…